Step 1 - Identify the battery type
These details can be found on the battery label located on the top or side of the battery. Most standard automotive batteries are lead acid calcium or lead acid. Be sure to check your charger is suitable for your battery type.

Step 2 - Identify the size of the battery you need to charge
Batteries sold in Australia are rated in Cold Cranking Amps (CCA) and Reserve Capacity (RC). If the battery label does not indicate the Ah rating, to get an approximate Amp hour (Ah) rating, multiply the Reserve Capacity x 0.6. Eg 90 RC x 0.6 = 54 Ah.
Note: These details can be found on the battery label located on the top or side of the battery. If you are unable to find this information, please contact your battery manufacturer.
Step 3 - Identify what you need the charger for
Battery charging is when you are requiring to recharge a flat or dead battery to full. Battery maintenance on the other hand is when you just want to keep a battery topped up (maintained).
For instance, if you're storing a motorcycle that you only ride a few times a month but want to ensure it's ready to go on a sunny afternoon you would require battery maintenance as opposed to battery charging. This is often referred to as trickle charging. All OzCharge battery chargers perform both functions, and understanding each charger's limits is important.
Step 4 - Selecting a charger size
As a rule of thumb your battery charger should be a minimum of 10% of the Ah rating of the battery.
E.g A 100Ah battery would require a 10 Amp charger as a minimum. To prevent overcharging you should keep the charger size to within 20% of the total capacity.
In the case of a 100Ah battery that would be a maximum of a 20 amp charger. Please keep in mind that most OzCharge battery chargers have selectable current outputs. This function will allow you to use a larger charger on a small battery by reducing the output current to a safe rating.
Find below a list of our best sellers for range of applications:
Motorcycle Battery Charger & Maintainer
Car Battery Charger & Maintainer
On-board Marine Battery Charger & Maintainer
Caravan Battery Charger & Maintainer